Amsterdam International Electronic Journal for Cultural Narratology (AJCN)

Amsterdam International Electronic Journal for Cultural Narratology (AJCN)




EDITORS-IN-CHIEF: WOLF SCHMID (University of Hamburg, Forschergruppe Narratologie) & WILLEM G. WESTSTEIJN (University of Amsterdam, Instituut voor Cultuur en Analyse (ASCA) The Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis)

EXECUTIVE EDITOR: DENNIS IOFFE (University of Amsterdam, Ghent University).

Issued under the auspices of University of Amsterdam ASCA (Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis) with the assistance from University of Hamburg, Forschergruppe Narratologie.

Narratology of Culture encompasses the entire spectrum of narrative theory, from Russian Formalism to French Structuralism, and from Bakhtin to the contemporary poststructuralists or 'postclassicists'. It deals with traditional forms of narrative, as in literature (novels, short stories, memoirs, epic poetry), but also with new forms (film, audio-plays, music-theatre). This approach works with any cultural 'text' that functions as a narrative message between sender and receiver.



AUTUMN 2012/

Narratological Concepts across Languages and Cultures.


John Pier: Foreword (sections I-V)

I. Toward a reconfiguration of narrative concepts

Beatriz Penas-Ibáñez: Emergent Narratological Explanatory Frames: From (Non)Naturalness to (Non)Standardness (the Case of Haiku-like Narratives)

Bohumil Fořt: Literary Narratives as Constituents of Political Worlds: The Case of Milan Kundera

Ludmila Comuzzi: Lyric Poetry as a Narrative Speech Genre: On the Dialogue Between Genre Theory and Cognitive Science

Joshua Parker: Conceptions of Place, Space and Narrative: Past, Present and Future

II. Paratext, metalepsis, caesura

Virginia Pignagnoli: Paratextual Interferences: Patterns and Reconfigurations for Literary Narrative in the Digital Age

Saartje Gobyn: Textual Effects of Metalepsis

Michał Mrugalski: The Spectacle of Interruption: Toward an Interruption Theory of Narrative according to Hölderlin’s Theory of Tragedy

III. Narrative and film

Inna Drach: The Difference between Cinematic and Montage Novels and the Nature of Literary Montage

James V. Catano: Narrative Voice/over in the Essay Film

IV. Narrative perspectives on music

Christian Hauer: The Contribution of Musical Narratology to Contemporary Narratology. On Monika Fludernik’s Concept of "Experientiality”

Karl Katschthaler: What is autobiographical authenticity in music? The question of the “secret vocal part” in Alban Berg’s Lyric Suite revisited from a narratological perspective

Knut Holtsträter: “So pocht das Schicksal an die Pforte”. Some Remarks on Narrativity in Music

V. Translating narrative theory

Sylvie Patron: Translating S.-Y. Kuroda: Past and Present

Iwamatsu Masahiro: Problems in Trans(p)la(n)ting Literary Theory into Japanese

Bahar Dervișcemaloğlu: The Problem of Translating Narratological Terminology into Turkish

VI. Narratological Miscellanea

Nathalie Weidenfeld: Beyond the spectre of postclassical cinema: Understanding the dynamics of Narration in Film

Roy Benjamin: On Not Reading for the Plot in ‘Finnegans Wake’

Thorn R. Kray: Narrative, Emotion, and Cultural Meaning: Their Connection from the Perspective of Cultural Sociology, With Special Regards to Fiction

Tracey Taylor: From the Many to the Few: Character and Social Ethics in the Foundling Museum

Elana Gomel: The Darkness Within. Narrative Space and the Challenge of Utopia

Katharine Young: Uneasy Objects. The Film Body in Mona Hatoum’s ‘Measures of Distance’

Review article

Igor Pilshchikov: From Formalism to Structuralism and Beyond. (Metatheoretical Meditations)