Amsterdam International Electronic Journal for Cultural Narratology (AJCN)

D. Ioffe

Amsterdam International Electronic Journal for Cultural Narratology (AJCN)


Dennis Ioffe




The German Slavistic periodical WSA has appeared twice a year since 1978 and has the conceptual aim of bringing to a scholarly audience such "extended pieces" of scholarly meditation, if to put that in the editors' own words "which are located in-between the "article-scale" and "the book-scale". (1) It is not surprising, therefore, that almost all of these declarative components can be found in this issue of WSA. The most striking feature here is, however, the uncompromising and almost challenging (for non-German Slavists) totality of the 'Deutsche Sprache' as used to render the published material: all except one of the articles are written in German. This is not a most typical situation, since, as far as we are entitled to judge from the past issues, the presence of Russian, English, and rarely French texts was much more notable and impressive there. It is, hence, a solid ground to consider the 47th Band of WSA as a certain kind of tour-de-force, proudly achieved by the Deutsche Slawistik par excellence.

The present issue of the WSA is devoted (thematically speaking) to three major topics: the relation of music to literature (melopoesis), "mimeocentric" problems of representational modes of the writer-figures in early Soviet film (and the visuality issues in general), and to the varied analysis of dance's fabric (plastic) ceremonial narratives within Russian culture. The interdisciplinary, experimental bias of the article-binding is obvious and self-evident in nearly all of the scholarly pieces, selected for the present volume.

The issue opens with some informal remarks, narrating the events of a conference (January 2000), devoted to the performative configurations of the ways, used for representation of culture, inner politics and science in the early Soviet filmmaking and theatre. A number of papers, originally delivered with that conference- occasion were incorporated into the present volume.

Before starting a concise discussion as regards the contents of this issue of WSA, it is worthwhile, perhaps, to adduce one particular and highly characteristic feature, which is related by some means to the method of multilingual rendering of the published text's entity. The entire journal is devoted, evidently to the diverse aspects of learning, pertaining to the field of Slavic (mostly Russian) cultural habits. As a natural matter of fact, these "cultural issues" are rendered via Cyrillic syllables. As we can easily see, there is no any technical problems for WSA editors to publish Cyrillic fonts: the authors of the issue are doing it most extensively. But, the notoriously strange thing has something to do with the crucial inconsistency of applying to its congruent method. At the one single page we can virtually encounter with the Cyrillic fragment, and with the Latinized script of originally Russian bibliography. What is preventing the truly experienced Editor from giving the proper entry in its original Cyrillic form - remains still a great and unsolved mystery. My other question, is why are the authors themselves relentlessly translating each time the cited Russian passage into German (this is, naturally, taking double space in the paper editions). Surprisingly they are not translating the passages of English or French citations (wisely taking for granted, that the reader will understand those languages, but, similarly, we are encouraged to hypothesize, the same reader can perfectly comprehend the Russian pieces without the unnecessary and quite pretentious German translating and fatiguing transliterating). The situation with these entirely curious inconsistencies within the research apparatus of the referential matters is receiving its highest caricatured dimensions in the customs of citing which belong to Mirjam Goller in her extremely penetrating scholarly piece published with that issue. This is the noteworthy "consuetude" she is codifying, for instance, Aage A.Hansen-Loeve's article, rendered like this: [Hansen-Love, 1993."Mandel'shtams Thanatopoetics", Vroon,R./Malmstadt,J.E. (Hrsg.), Readings in Russian Modernism. To Honour of Vladimir Markov, Moskau, 121-157.]
Beside the obvious minute "germanocentered" inexactitudes (not Mandel'shtams, but Mandel'shtam's) and a certain grammatical absurdity (To honour of…) it is, moreover, deliberately nonstandard to encounter with wordings like "Moskau" and "Hrsg.". Throughout almost all richly furnished bibliographic pages of WSA we do encounter with the violently Germanized form "Moskau" instead of original "Moskva", as formularized for the non-German entries. Meanwhile, the original and accurate vision of the title (Readings in Russian Modernism. To Honor Vladimir Markov, or the appended Russian version: Культура русского модернизма. В приношение Владимиру Маркову) of this study is becoming gradually less important.

Unfortunately this is not an occasional inaccuracy, but a sort of a general "pen's slips system" of WSA. In a lengthy and steadily fascinating essay written by Aage Hansen-Loeve, which is conceptually opening the volume, entirely devoted to the scholar's sequel of his ambitious project, dealing with the determination and analyzing of the so-called (in Hansen-Loeve's terminology) "Hierarchical Dominants" in the Russian culture of Modernism, we are coming across with a strange another "Freudian-slip-of-the-tongue" casus. The matter is that once Vladimir Paperny's name is written "V.Papernyi"(2) but twice more this American scholar is strangely contaminated with another Californian professor - Irina Aronovna Paperno: we receive therefore a curious - "V.Paperno" - that appears two times in the same article (3). Indubitably, the Universe is unaware of such a hybrid author "V.Paperno" (a world famous American architecture-historian "Vladimir Papernyi" is a complete namesake to a literary historian of Tratu-School "Vladimir Papernyj" presently of Haifa University) There exists, by the way, Slava Paperno, but not Vladimir).

This minor, but bitterly absurdist detail cannot spoil the unique bibliographical and conceptually sumptuous impression, which seemingly every student of Russian Modernist culture might get from this brilliantly furnished monograph-scaled article complied by Professor Hansen-Loeve.

The single Russian article, written by the Czech scholar Tomas Glanc is devoted to the imposing figure of actor Nikolai Cherkasov and to the peculiar connection which came to life through the certain strategies of representation of "writer" via the cinematographic medium. The ingenious essay of Natasha Drubeck-Meyer is devoted to the same person i.e. Cherkasov-the-actor, who was, accordingly, an interesting exemption from the complicated regime-rules, which have postulated the "double-conscience" of almost any performer within the Stalin times. That was a gruesome place of the representational mode, created artificially by the New Order of the Soviets.

A intriguing essay by Oksana Bulgakova "The Beauty and the Strength" is devoted totally to the various debates, pertaining to the poetics of Soviet filmmaking. Interesting emphasis is put on the very concept of "the fairness" and "handsomeness" especially amongst the representatives of the "proper 'hegemonic' social class".

Whereas, the conceptually close aspects of several thematic narratives, dealing with the Siberian text, developed through the early Soviet cinema are convincingly and thoughtfully depicted in the article by Susi Frank.

Music, politics, the figure of an important Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev are most assiduously studied in the essays by Robert Braunmuller and Monika Woitas.
An extremely penetrating and positively vast piece by Dmitrij Zacharchin is in-deepening the complexed problematic of Dancing ceremonials, somatics of human corporality and communicative act types. The Russian art of the dance is learned here versus its own kind of the 'traditional' Europeans.

The peculiarly important article by Mirijam Goller, which we had a dubious chance to mention above is re-opening the grand-theme of the relationship between music and literary texts.

This discussion has a long and well articulated history on the Russian scholarly ground. From the pioneering concise study of L.Sabaneev (4), through the well-remembered chapters written by the late Efim Etkind (5) to some recent (2001) detailed study of Larissa Gerver(6), however, the latter was regrettably not used by M.Goller in her composition. All of the needed aspects of melopoesis (mutual [interactive] influence of literature and music) are meticulously studied within many scholarly projects.(7) A special collections of scholarly meditations on specific figures of Russian literature (such as Blok, Pasternak and Akhmatova) were also compound before by the various comparativist scholars.(8)

Using the example of the outstandingly suggestive and alluding verse "Возьми на радость" Mrs. Goller is showing genuinely unloosened interest of Mandel'shtam in the figure of the Symbolist composer Skriabin, his intimate links with the intuitivist philosophy of Bergson. Specifically important is the multiargumental associations, bridging the topic of insects with those of music activities.

The "Nabokovian block" of the issue is opened by an interested long-scaled piece by Tania Zimmermann about the figure of the "Double" within the "insane" and 'bizarre' realm of Nabokov's marvelous "Despair".

The closely related theme is prolongated by the article of T.Jurgens which is cleverly dealing with the specific "photographic" qualities of Nabokovian narratives (especially those, related to the thanatopoetics).

The entire volume is logically crowned with the penetrating summarizing essay by Julia Kursell, which seeks to put together the existing information on the highly complicated relations between the medium of music and those of "verbal writing". The bibliographic treasures are meticulously sorted, annotated and codified at the end of this decidedly useful text.


1) T.Reuter, A.Hansen-Loeve, "WSA, itogi i perspectivy", NLO, 50, 2001, pp.396-397. The editors are surprisingly declaring there, also, that there are no any unanimous "referees" or "evaluating-system" to decide in favor of each publication. The journal is definitely not a "peer-reviewed" one, the noteworthy fact for a scholarly periodical of any kind. Everything is, consequently, entrusted within the editors' relentlessly personal but still trustworthy hands.
2) A.A.Hansen-Loeve, "Von der Dominanz zur Hierarchie im System der Kunstformen zwischen Avantgarde und Sozrealismus", WSA, Band 47 2001, p.7.
3) Ibid, p.21.
4) Л.Сабанеев, Музыка речи, Москва,1923.
5) Е.Эткинд, Материя стиха, Париж, 1978, стр. 251-493
6) Л.Гервер, Музыка и музыкальная мифология в творчестве русских поэтов. Первые десятилетия ХХ века, Москва, 2001. The importance of Music for the historical cultures of humankind is described in thousands if not millions of scholarly works (Antiquity, Renaissance, India, China, etc). See, for some good example: McKinnon, James, Music In Early Christian Literature, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987.
7) From the times of James T. Lightwood' short book (Music and literature,
London, The Epworth Press, 1931 - which dealt with Chaucer, Shakespeare, Walter Scott, George Elliott and others), the topic was rather popular among scholars and aestheticians. See also the famous work by Calvin Brown: Brown, Calvin S., Music and Literature, a Comparison of the Arts, Athens, University of Georgia Press,1948.
See, for some additional instances H.Danuser, Musikalische prosa, Regensburg, 1975.
But especially: J.P.Barricelli, Melopoesis: Approaches to the Study of Literature and Music, New York, 1988. For the "canonical" Russian subject one may apply to the collection of a number of articles, edited by Andrew Wachtel: A.Wachtel (ed.) Intersections and Transpositions. Russian Music, Literature and Society, Evanston, 1998. See also important monograph: Rempel, W. John, Music And Literature, Winnipeg, Canada: University of Manitoba, 1985; Might be considered the monograph by Muller, giving some account of French Symbolist interdependence with the Musical subjects: M. Muller, Musik und sprache. Zu ihrem verhaltnis im Franzosischen Symbolismus, Frankfurt am Main, Bern, New York, 1983.
For the case of German Romanticism see the proceedings and the selected papers from the interdisciplinary conference "Music and Literature in German Romanticism" held Dec. 8-10, 2000, at the University College Dublin : Music and Literature in German Romanticism, (edited by Siobhan Donovan and Robin Elliott), Rochester, NY : Camden House, 2004; Series: Studies in German literature, linguistics, and culture.
We should name, besides that a clever and short piece by D.Eberlein on the synaesthesia of Russian Symbolism: D.Eberlein, "Curlionis, Skriabin und der Osteropaische Symbolismus" in K.V.Maur (ed.), Vom Klang der Bilder. Die Musik in der Kunst des 20, Jahrhuderts, Munchen, 1985, pp. 340-346. Not to forget the long-termed efforts of Boris Katz: Б.Кац, Музыкальные ключи к русской поэзии: исследовательские очерки и комментарии, Санкт Петербург, 1997.
Along with a fine theoretical book by Scher, St.P. (Hg.) Literatur und Musik. Ein Hanbuch zur Theorie und Praxis eines komparatistischen Grenzgebietes, Berlin, 1984.
See also Т.В.Цивьян, В.В. Иванов, Е.В.Пермяков (ред.) Музыка и незвучащее, Москва, 2000. Not forgetting the elegant article by Ulrich Muller: U.Muller, "Literatur und Musik: Vertonung von literature", in P.V.Zima, Literatur intermedial. Musik-Malerei-Photographie-Film, Darmstadt, 1995, pp.31-60. For the commonly-general accounts reader can refer to some other contributions with the same field: the book by Alex Aronson: Aronson, A., Music And The Novel: A Study In Twentieth-Century Fiction. Totowa NJ: Roman and Littlefield, 1980; As well as a semio-centered work by Kevin Barry, having a strong interest with the English Romanticism: Barry, K., Language, Music And The Sign: A Study In Aesthetics, Poetics And Poetic Practice From Collins To Coleridge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987; See also, as well, Cooper, Martin, Ideas And Music, Philadelphia: Chilton Books, 1965; Egri, Peter, Literature, Painting, And Music: An Interdisciplinary Approach To Comparative Literature, Budapest: Academiai Kiado, 1988; Along with - Finney, Gretchen Ludke, Musical Backgrounds For English Literature, 1580-1650, Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 1976. One may remember the interesting and penetrative scholarly texts, written (separately, of course) by the formerly Jerusalem Slavist Ada Steinberg and Amsterdam philologist Olja Tielkes-Zaoesskaja (the latter published, partly, by the current issue of AJCN), which deal with the role of Music in the creative conscience of Andrey Bely.
8) М.Элик (ред.) Блок и музыка, Москва-Ленинград, 1972;
Compare, for the issue of Wagneriana: Di Gaetani, John Louis, Richard Wagner And The Modern British Novel. Cranberry, New Jersey: Associated University Presses, 1978.
Или Пруста: Nattiez, Jean- Jacques, (translated by Derrick Puffett) Proust As Musician, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989.
Or, for the case of Lawrence Sterne: Freedman, William, Laurence Sterne And The Origins Of The Musical Novel, Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1978
See, also on Anna Akhmatova's musical interests and professed legacy: Б.Кац, Р.Тименчик,(ред.) Анна Ахматова и музыка. Исследовательские очерки, Ленинград, 1989. And for Pasternak: Б.Кац, (ред.) Музыка в творчестве, судьбе и доме Бориса Пастернака. Сборник литературных, музыкальных и изобразительных материалов, Ленинград, 1991. In pendant to this topic one may wish to consult the general comparative account made in: Lanier, Sidney, Music And Poetry: Essays Upon Some Aspects And Inter-Relations Of The Two Arts, New York: Greenwood Press, 1969. Along with an remarkable monograph by James Winn: Winn, J.A., Unsuspected Eloquence: A History Of The Relations Between Poetry And Music, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1981.